
footstalk ['fʊtstɔ:k]  ['fʊtˌstɔ:k] 

footstalk 基本解释


名词叶柄,花梗; 总柄; 轴柄

footstalk 网络解释


1. 叶柄:footsore 伤了脚的 | footstalk 叶柄 | footstall 台座

2. 叶柄/花梗:footsore /伤了脚的/ | footstalk /叶柄/花梗/ | footsteps /脚步/

3. 梗柄:footslope 麓坡 | footstalk 梗柄 | footstep 垫轴台 支座

footstalk 双语例句


1. The fitting sampling part of peroxidase isozyme analysis in pyrus was the footstalk and center nerve of mature leaves.


2. Through two steps, advancing cultivation and inducing differentiation, principium founded tissue culture system of fodder beet with explant from footstalk, so established foundation for inducing polyploid fodder beet with tissue culture and enlarging reproduction.

3. Compared diploid fodder beet with tetraploid fodder beet, tetraploid plants put up characteristics of bigger and thicker dark green leaf, more folds on leaf, stronger footstalk and so on. we can take those characters as the advancing index in testing tetraploid fodder beet.