
forceful [ˈfɔ:sfl]  [ˈfɔ:rsfl] 

forceful 基本解释

形容词强有力的; 有说服力的; 有效的; 强劲

forceful 相关例句



1. She made a forceful impression on me.

2. This is a forceful argument.

forceful 网络解释

1. (性格)坚强的:faithful守信的,忠诚的 | forceful (性格)坚强的 | frank 直率的,真诚的

2. 有力的:42. tremendous 大的,巨大的 | forceful 有力的 | 43. provided that 如果

3. 有力的,猛烈的:② set off at a smart pace to the playground.迈着矫健的步子走向 | 4) forceful 有力的,猛烈的 | ① I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open.朝盖子猛一击,就打开了.

4. 强有力的:forced?compliance paradigm 硬性依从范式 | forceful 强有力的 | forceless 无力的

forceful 词典解释

1. forceful

1. (人)强有力的,有说服力的
    If you describe someone as forceful, you approve of them because they express their opinions and wishes in a strong, emphatic, and confident way.

    e.g. He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.

Mrs. Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.
She had inherited her father's forcefulness.

2. forceful

2. 有影响力的;有效的;使人感触深刻的
    Something that is forceful has a very powerful effect and causes you to think or feel something very strongly.

    e.g. It made a very forceful impression on me...
    e.g. For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.

Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.

3. 有说服力的;使人信服的
    A forceful point or argument in a discussion is one that is good, valid, and convincing.

forceful 单语例句

1. Environmental conditions would have been much worse were it not for the central government's forceful moves to cut pollutant discharge.

2. forceful什么意思

2. It is essential when forceful measures are needed to clear the way for reforms.

3. But some doubt he will be as forceful as combative Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in pushing economic reforms.

4. That is why supporting the euro requires forceful and credible crisis containment - whatever it takes.

5. forceful在线翻译

5. Through the government's rapid and forceful response, this small outbreak was brought under control with no threat to the rest of China.

6. It is advisable for SMRT to respond to Chinese drivers'complaints by peaceful dialogue, rather than forceful measures.

7. " This is the most forceful denunciation President Carter has ever made about an American president, " Brinkley said.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Israeli leaders say such forceful action is needed to root out those dispatching suicide bombers.

9. The resolve sounded firm and the action appeared forceful each time the issue became an issue of public concern.

10. forceful

10. What is important is that we need to take practical and forceful measures to follow up on these goals.

forceful 英英释义


1. forceful and definite in expression or action

    e.g. the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty

    Synonym: emphatic

2. characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)

    e.g. a forceful speaker
           a forceful personality
           forceful measures
           a forceful plan for peace