
forcemeat [ˈfɔ:smi:t]  [ˈfɔ:rsmi:t] 

forcemeat 基本解释


forcemeat 网络解释

1. 加料肉馅:Forcel 福塞尔聚酯纤维 | forcemeat 加料肉馅 | forcemeter 测力计

2. 五香碎肉:forcefully 强有力地 | forcemeat 五香碎肉 | forceps 镊子

3. (加料)肉馅;五香碎肉(或鱼):forcedsweating加速发酵 | forcemeat(加料)肉馅;五香碎肉(或鱼) | forcer蜗杆压榨机

4. 加味道的碎肉[填塞用]/馅:forceless /无力的/软弱的/ | forcemeat /加味道的碎肉[填塞用]/馅/ | forcemeter /测力计/

forcemeat 双语例句

1. The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pigs'blood.


2. The shiny links packed with forcemeat fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pig's blood.

forcemeat 英英释义


1. mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs

    Synonym: farce