
foresighted ['fɔ:saɪtɪd]  ['foʊrˌsaɪtɪd] 

foresighted 基本解释


foresighted 网络解释

1. 深谋远虑的:foresight 预见 | foresighted 深谋远虑的 | foreskin 包皮

2. 能预料的:foreshot 初馏物 | foresighted 能预料的 | foresighted 深谋远虑的

3. 有先见之明的/能预料的/深谋远虑的:foresight /先见/推测/慎重/小心/准星/前视/先见之明/ | foresighted /有先见之明的/能预料的/深谋远虑的/ | foresightedness /先见之明/

4. 有先见之明的; 能预料的; 深谋远虑的 (形):foresight 远见; 深谋远虑 (名) | foresighted 有先见之明的; 能预料的; 深谋远虑的 (形) | foreskin 包皮 (名)

foresighted 单语例句


1. The government should develop a " clear and foresighted " strategy for the auto industry, he suggested.

2. foresighted的解释

2. And many foresighted people have taken the initiative to cater to the new policy platform and make money.

foresighted 英英释义


1. planning prudently for the future

    e.g. large goals that required farsighted policies
           took a long view of the geopolitical issues

    Synonym: farseeing farsighted foresightful prospicient long longsighted