
forestall [fɔ:ˈstɔ:l]  [fɔ:rˈstɔ:l] 






forestall 基本解释

及物动词先发制人,预先阻止; 垄断,屯积; 领先

forestall 相关例句


1. He forestalled all his competitors.

2. We forestalled the attempt to steal the jewels by having them removed.

forestall 网络解释

1. 预先阻止:foresight 远见,先见之明 | forestall 预先阻止 | foretell 预测

2. 垄断:forestage 舞台幕布 | forestall 垄断 | forestation 造林

3. 防止:forced-and-induced draft fan 鼓引风机 | forestall 防止 | fouling 沾污

4. 抢先:forestage /台唇/前级/舞台台唇/ | forestall /抢先/ | forestation /造林/植林/森林管理/

forestall 词典解释

1. 预先阻止;抢在…之前行动
    If you forestall someone, you realize what they are likely to do and prevent them from doing it.

    e.g. O'Leary made to open the door, but Bunbury forestalled him by laying a hand on his arm...
    e.g. Large numbers of police were in the square to forestall any demonstrations.

forestall 单语例句

1. It is necessary to keep a close eye on the shift in forex flows to forestall any destabilizing flight of foreign capital.

2. forestall

2. And if we want to forestall our looming carp quagmire, this is the kind of attitude we need to adopt on our shores.

3. By addressing the risks before their technology widely enters the public domain, nano experts hope to forestall this backward swing of the pendulum.


4. Practical regulations should also be introduced to forestall any infringements of farmers'interests in the ownership transfer of rural collective lands.

5. Turkey says it needs troops in Iraq to control refugees and forestall any attempt to create a Kurdish state.

6. A new mentality and mode is badly needed to tackle the changed international situations to forestall the otherwise destructive impacts upon the world.

7. forestall

7. It's unclear whether those assurances will be enough to forestall Israeli action.

8. forestall

8. Let's be proactive and forestall the occurrence of such a disaster again rather than rushing to react to what has already happened.

9. Dramatic efforts to reroute water supplies only forestall the problem and create environmental dangers of their own.

10. The authorities will make the banking, securities and insurance industries more competitive and strengthen financial regulation to forestall and resolve risks.

forestall 英英释义



1. keep from happening or arising
    make impossible

    e.g. My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
           Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project

    Synonym: prevent foreclose preclude forbid

2. act in advance of
    deal with ahead of time

    Synonym: anticipate foresee counter