
foretell [fɔ:ˈtel]  [fɔ:rˈtel] 







foretell 基本解释


foretell 相关例句


1. Who could ever foretell that Paul would turn traitor?

2. The prophet foretold a glorious future for the young ruler.

3. We can't foretell how the world will end.

foretell 网络解释


1. 预测:forestall 预先阻止 | foretell 预测 | forethought 预谋,预筹

2. 预测,预示,预言:foregoing 在前的,前面的 | foretell 预测,预示,预言 | forge 锻造

3. 预言:forest 森林 | foretell 预言 | forever 永远地

4. 预言/预告/预示/成为...的预兆/卜/预卜:foretaste /预尝/先试/快乐地期待/先尝/试吃/ | foretell /预言/预告/预示/成为...的预兆/卜/预卜/ | forethigh /前臂部/

foretell 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 预言;预知;预测
    If you foretell a future event, you predict that it will happen.

    e.g. ...prophets who have foretold the end of the world.

foretell 单语例句

1. The Hindenburg Omen is a technical indicator that is supposed to foretell the collapse of the American market.

2. All these points foretell that the possibility of a breakthrough in their cause of Taiwan independence has become increasingly high.

3. foretell的反义词

3. The album's music videos foretell the vanishing of Kashgar's old town, which has since become a reality.

4. Populism in judging provocative architecture may attest to the pulse of public sentiment, but rarely does it foretell the fate of icon status.

5. In the absence of technical and professional teams, village leaders and even ordinary villagers should be taught how to foretell a danger.

foretell 英英释义


1. foretell

1. indicate by signs

    e.g. These signs bode bad news

    Synonym: bode portend auspicate prognosticate omen presage betoken foreshadow augur prefigure forecast predict

2. foretell

2. make a prediction about
    tell in advance

    e.g. Call the outcome of an election

    Synonym: predict prognosticate call forebode anticipate promise

3. foretell

3. foreshadow or presage

    Synonym: announce annunciate harbinger herald