
forfeit [ˈfɔ:fɪt]  [ˈfɔ:rfət] 








forfeit 基本解释


名词罚金,没收物,丧失的东西; 代价


forfeit 相关例句


1. His lands were forfeit.


1. He has forfeited the right to be the leader of this nation.

2. You have forfeited your chance of getting your money back.


1. His health was the forfeit he paid for overworking.

2. Her health was the forfeit she paid for working too hard.

forfeit 网络解释


1. 罚款,没收,封号:foreign 外国的 | forfeit 罚款,没收,封号 | forget 忘记

2. 没收物品:forfeit 没收物品 | forfeiture 没收 | forfeiture of contribution 没收供款

3. 没收:悔约的一方 defaulting party | 没收 forfeit | 律师费 legal cost

4. 罚款;丧失:4.defense 保護;防衛 | 5.forfeit 罰款;喪失 | 6.intensity 強度;強烈

forfeit 词典解释

1. (因违反规定等)被没收,丧失
    If you forfeit something, you lose it or are forced to give it up because you have broken a rule or done something wrong.

    e.g. He was ordered to forfeit more than £1.5m in profits...
           下令没收了他 150 多万英镑的盈利。
    e.g. He argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life.

2. forfeit的近义词

2. (尤指为获得他物)主动放弃
    If you forfeit something, you give it up willingly, especially so that you can achieve something else.

    e.g. He has forfeited a lucrative fee but feels his well-being is more important...
    e.g. Do you think that they would forfeit profit in the name of safety?

3. 罚金;没收物
    A forfeit is something that you have to give up because you have done something wrong.

    e.g. That is the forfeit he must pay.

forfeit 单语例句

1. forfeit

1. When men forfeit reason for love or lust, it will come off as either chivalrous or ludicrous.

2. Each bird's owner can forfeit a match by pulling his cockerel out if he fears for its life.

3. Renault chief Flavio Briatore said they had wanted to race even if they had used new tires and had to forfeit points under FIA rules.

4. So China should not forfeit the Iranian market just to please the US.

5. The government said it will apply to the High Court to suspend a ruling that says prisoners should not forfeit the right to vote.

6. forfeit在线翻译

6. On the other hand, investors who ignore the letter would most likely forfeit any chance of recovering lost funds.

7. As I've discussed in other entries, it's not a good idea to forfeit succulent fresh produce because you're taking a supplement.

8. Fazekas is the second athletics gold medallist to forfeit his title at the Athens Games after a positive test.

9. The couple also face fines and could be forced to forfeit their home, which is valued at almost $ 2 million.

10. But when he took the mound Wednesday, the other team walked off and a forfeit was called.

forfeit 英英释义



1. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.

    Synonym: forfeiture sacrifice

2. a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something

    e.g. the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time

    Synonym: forfeiture

3. something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty

    Synonym: forfeiture


1. lose ( or lose the right to ( by some error, offense, or crime

    e.g. you've forfeited your right to name your successor
           forfeited property

    Synonym: give up throw overboard waive forgo forego


1. surrendered as a penalty

    Synonym: confiscate forfeited