forget oneself

forget oneself [fəˈɡet wʌnˈself]  [fɚˈɡɛt wʌnˈsɛlf] 

forget oneself 基本解释

忘乎所以; 失态; 失去理智; 一时忘情

forget oneself 相关例句


1. He forgot himself and hit her.

2. He always forgets himself.

forget oneself 网络解释

forget oneself在线翻译

1. 失态;忘形:316. forget it. 算了吧. 不放在心上 | 317. forget oneself 失态;忘形 | 318. forgive and forget 不念旧恶

2. 忘我:forgery 伪造 | forget oneself 忘我 | forget 忘记

3. 忘我,奋不顾身:in force 在实施中 | forget oneself 忘我,奋不顾身 | in the form of 以. . 的形式/状态

4. 忘乎所以;(尽为别人)忘了自己:It was years ago; for get it. 这事过去几年了,别再提了. | forget oneself忘乎所以;(尽为别人)忘了自己: | Don't get dizzy with success and forget yourselves. 不要让胜利冲昏了头脑,忘乎所以.