
fortissimo [fɔ:ˈtɪsɪməʊ]  [fɔ:rˈtɪsɪmoʊ] 

第三人称复数:fortissimos; fortissimi

fortissimo 基本解释
fortissimo 网络解释

1. 很强:在布鲁克纳的交响曲和大型合唱作品中常常会遇到音乐的突然中止,有时是长达几小节的沉默,事实上他就是需要这样的音响效果:很强(fortissimo)的合奏声音能够有数秒钟的时间在空中回荡,这也使作品的织体结构清晰可辨.

2. (缩写为ff)很强,非常响亮地:Forte (缩写为f)强,有力地,响亮地 | Fortissimo (缩写为ff)很强,非常响亮地 | Forte fortissimo (缩写为fff)极强,级响亮地

3. 福西摩牌手表:Fortisan 福蒂森经拉伸和皂化的醋酯长丝 | Fortissimo 福西摩牌手表 | Fortrel Fiberfil 福特勒尔菲帛菲尔充垫用聚酯纤维

fortissimo 双语例句

1. The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver.

2. It's fortissimo in Shanghai, home to China's oldest orchestra, forte in Beijing and other lively cities, and on a crescendo in farther-flung areas.

3. Using the tissue cultured bulblet of narcissus cultivar Fortissimo as tested materials, with 1/2MS as the basic medium, 4 conch, of NAA and IBA including 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.05 mg/L were set up to study the effects of hormone on rooting induction of tissue culture seedlings in narcissus.
    方法]以水仙栽培品种Fortissimo的组织培养小鳞茎为试验材料,以1/2MS为基本培养基,设计1.0、0.5、0.1,0.05mg/L 4个NAA、IBA浓度,研究激素对水仙组培苗生根诱导的影响。


4. This is the way to play some of the most spectacularly rapid fortissimo octaves and chords.


5. Sitting farther away from the piano also gives you more space to lean forwards in order to play fortissimo.

6. If you are trying to attack with great speed, in order to achieve a great fortissimo, you All efforts will be an arduous and unpleasant bottom feedback through your fingers.


7. A second fortissimo phase follows, similar to the first, but shortened and possibly less significant.

8. Be careful when you first start using FFP for playing fortissimo.


9. With everything under control the game expired on a fortissimo tune.

10. The central section introduces a new theme that builds to a forte-fortissimo climax.


11. The band continued playing fortissimo.

12. The Duel of Despair! Fortissimo the Moving Fortress!


13. When we sing or play a fortissimo passage it must be controlled.

14. When playing fortissimo with curled fingers, you must control both the extensor and flexor muscles of every finger in order to keep them in the curled position.

fortissimo 英英释义


1. (music) loud

    Synonym: forte


1. fortissimo的反义词

1. chiefly a direction or description in music


1. a direction in music
    to be played very loudly

    Synonym: very loudly