frankly speaking

frankly speaking [ˈfræŋkli: ˈspi:kɪŋ]  [ˈfræŋkli ˈspikɪŋ] 

frankly speaking 基本解释


副词坦白地说; 打开天窗说亮话

frankly speaking 网络解释

1. 坦白来说:197 for the sake of 为了......起见 | 198 frankly speaking 坦白来说 | 199 freedom from 免于......(的自由)

2. 坦白地说:Generally speaking一般而言 | Frankly speaking坦白地说 | Strictly speaking严格地说

3. 坦白说:64. Wake up and smell the coffee. 你别妄想了! | 65. Frankly speaking, ... 坦白说... | 66. I'll call you back later. 待会儿回电给你.

4. 坦率地说:4.I like travelling,so I saved it up for that. 我喜欢旅游,我存下钱用于旅游. | 5.Frankly speaking,.... 坦率地说,...... | in addition to 除了......之外

frankly speaking 单语例句

1. frankly speaking什么意思

1. Frankly speaking, the Yasukuni visit by the Japanese prime minister is a tedious topic.

2. Frankly speaking, neither teachers nor school authorities should be blamed for such a predicament.

3. Frankly speaking, we really had bad timing when kicking off the roadshow.

4. frankly speaking的解释

4. " Frankly speaking I have no idea about my future, " the versatile midfielder told Titan Sports.

5. " Frankly speaking I have no idea about my future, " the versatile midfielder told Monday's Titan Sport.

6. Frankly speaking, today's filmmakers have much better conditions in which to work than their predecessors.

7. Frankly speaking, lack of professional commitment for some teachers is where the real problem lies.

8. frankly speaking的近义词

8. Frankly speaking, it is not easy for ordinary residents to cheat on such matters.

9. frankly speaking是什么意思

9. Speaking frankly, there seems little potential with the current generation of Chinese professional football players.