








franks 基本解释
坦白的,直率的( frank的名词复数 );盖邮资已付印记,盖免付邮资印记;盖邮资已付印记,盖免付邮资印记( frank的第三人称单数 );
franks 网络解释


1. 法兰克人:罗马的军团被西歌特人、东歌特人(Ostrogoths)、伦巴第人(Lombards),法兰克人(Franks)、斯拉夫人(Slavs)、勃艮第人(Burgundians)和汪达尔人(Vandals)的马蹄践踏.

2. 李傕:; celts ;嚴白虎 | ; franks ;李傕 | ; lombardi ;袁绍

3. 小香肠:frankfurt sausage法兰克福式小香肠 | franks小香肠 | salame萨拉米香肠[意大利香肠]

franks 单语例句

1. Franks and call on extensive use of air power and indigenous rebel forces.

2. Chestnut jumped out to an early lead in the competition, sometimes jamming franks into his mouth with two hands as the crowd roared.

3. Franks said Guard troops will check on her twice daily to make sure she's OK.

4. Franks said he has gotten " a deluge " of calls from lawmakers wanting to be part of any impeachment committee.

5. Franks was not involved in the new study, appearing in Monday's Archives of General Psychiatry.

6. franks的翻译

6. Few individuals have the chance to contribute so much of themselves to the American story as General Tommy Franks.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. Tommy Franks, as saying intelligence reports at the time were unclear about bin Laden's whereabouts.

8. Tommy Franks declared that all of Washington's military objectives had been met - a process that could take months.

9. From Alexander to Tommy Franks, the doctrine of he Sword had always prevailed over the doctrine of the Modest.

10. Franks also devotes space to analysing the political scene in Washington, which he generally views as unhelpful.