
fraying [freɪŋ]  [freɪŋ] 







fraying 基本解释

动词(使布、绳等)磨损,磨破( fray的现在分词 )

fraying 网络解释


1. 鬚邊法:frayed edge 散口邊緣 | fraying 鬚邊法 | French curve 雲尺

2. 擦伤:擦过 forbye pass | 擦伤 fraying | 擦痕 scratch

3. 散口:transparent 透明 | fraying 散口 | fitting lines 合身线

4. 鹿磨:fray-outofflame 火焰熄灭 | fraying 鹿磨 | frazil 屑冰

fraying 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. But the fiscal road ahead looks increasingly perilous, with political consensus fraying badly in recent years.

2. The Galeras has a long history of activity, fraying nerves in Pasto.

3. Roh has said he would discuss beginning talks for a permanent peace treaty to replace the fraying truce that ended the Korean War.

4. The White House firmly denied the occupation was fraying after a wave of fierce fighting and kidnappings in Iraq.

5. fraying的反义词

5. But now there are signs that nerves are fraying and the blame game is getting under way.

6. But there have been worrisome signs recently that the employment market is fraying at the edges.