
freak [fri:k]  [frik] 







freak 基本解释

名词反常的事; 突然的念头; 怪异物; [俚]吸毒(成瘾)者;颓废派成员;性变态者

不及物动词胡闹,开玩笑; 行事任性怪诞; [美国俚语](尤指在服用迷幻药后)变得极度兴奋; [俚语](像吸过毒似的)行为反常

及物动词激怒; [俚语]使采取不合常规的生活方式; [俚语]使处于幻觉剂影响之下

freak 相关例句


1. The world's been having freak weather; it's been a little bit hotter during the winter.


1. She did it out of mere freak.

2. One of the new rabbits is a freak; it was born with only one ear.

3. The frog is so big that it has been described as a freak of nature.

4. By some strange freak, snow fell in Egypt a few years ago.

freak 网络解释


1. 怪人:)他语重心长地说:美国文化里培养出来的怪人(freak)很多. 「阿尼的英文看似不错,但仔细看可以看得出来是自修的,就是那种没有受过什么正规教育,但自已在图书馆翻书自学多年的那种......」──这时,我突然想起阿尼印制贩售的卡片,

2. 怪胎:其实我本身就是影像免疫力的绝佳教材,我这种人就是此类怪胎(Freak)电影产生的原因. <<不可撤消>>就是一部要在感观上充分刺激你的电影,这也算是新一代法国电影人对好莱坞对观众的一种反动:你们不就是爱看好莱坞的血腥、暴力、色情、感观刺激么?

3. 畸形:于是伍德便管那女孩叫佛雷卡----Freka,即畸形(Freak)之意,因为她本来就是个畸形人. 虽然似乎带有侮辱之意,但那女孩还是很高兴地认同了这个名字. 所有的使徒们各奔东西. 他们的安全将得到保障,但除了汉瑟格莱特尔双胞胎(Hansel-GretelTheTwin)以外,

4. 奇怪的:可能是由于心血来潮,我这个人常常会有一些奇怪的(freak)冲动,自己也无法控制. 那天在浦东机场的中国人寿保险买了10份航意险(来回各5份,卖保险的大姐说单程最多买5份,其他保险公司的窗口好像还没上班,否则我可能买更多).

freak 词典解释

1. 反常的;怪异的;极端的
    A freak event or action is one that is a very unusual or extreme example of its type.

    e.g. Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf...
    e.g. The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.

2. (对某事物或活动痴迷的)…狂
    If you describe someone as a particular kind of freak, you are emphasizing that they are very enthusiastic about a thing or activity, and often seem to think about nothing else.

    e.g. Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year.
    e.g. freaks.

3. 怪人;怪胎
    People are sometimes referred to as freaks when their behaviour or attitude is very different from that of the majority of people.

    e.g. However, outside of these institutions the black thinking woman is looked upon as a freak...
    e.g. Not so long ago, transsexuals were regarded as freaks.

4. 畸形(人)(可能具冒犯意味)
    If you refer to someone as a freak, you mean that they are physically abnormal in some way. This use could cause offence.

5. (使)吃惊;(使)不安;(使)恼怒;(使)困惑
    If someone freaks, or if something freaks them, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.

    e.g. I saw five cop cars pull into the driveway. And I literally freaked...
           我看到 5 辆警车开进了我家的车道。我简直吓坏了。
    e.g. I think they got freaked by women laughing at them.

6. (使)吃惊;(使)不安;(使)恼怒;(使)困惑
    If someone freaks out, or if something freaks them out, they suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.

    e.g. I remember the first time I went onstage. I freaked out completely...
    e.g. I think our music freaks people out sometimes...

相关词组:freak out

freak 单语例句

1. freak的翻译

1. Stuart Appleby also revealed that he needed professional help to cope after his wife was killed in a freak car accident in London in 1998.

2. The geological freak show that is Yellow Dragon Cave burrows farther into the ground than any other Asian cavern.

3. freak什么意思

3. Emily May Hughes died on Christmas Day after a freak accident at her home.

4. Both PetroChina and Sinopec Corp skipped gasoline exports, as the country faces a freak winter that could last past the lunar new year.

5. freak的解释

5. Northern Ireland's sole salmon farm was completely wiped out by a freak jellyfish attack, the owners said Wednesday.

6. Tiger Woods has been described as a freak of nature and his rivals could certainly be forgiven for thinking he's superhuman.

7. " He's a freak of nature, " American Glance said.

8. These are quintessentially business lunch joints but don't let the suits and ties you see there freak you out.

9. freak的解释

9. Work for another restaurant also ended badly, when it turned out the proprietor only wanted them for their freak value.

10. Tierney has blamed his injuries on a freak accident and doesn't accuse the producers or the creative team of carelessness.

freak 英英释义



1. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction

    e.g. a golf addict
           a car nut
           a bodybuilding freak
           a news junkie

    Synonym: addict nut junkie junky

2. freak在线翻译

2. a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed

    Synonym: monster monstrosity lusus naturae



1. lose one's nerve

    e.g. When he saw the accident, he freaked out

    Synonym: freak out gross out