frequency range

frequency range [ˈfri:kwənsi reindʒ]  [ˈfrikwənsi rendʒ] 

frequency range 基本解释


频段; 频带

frequency range 网络解释

1. 频率范围:频率范围(Frequency Range) 表示实际还音的频率范围 有较大的起伏 即以声压级最高点为基准,向两端延伸 下降规定dB处的相应频率范围. 通常以-3dB和-6dB均匀度为标准测定. 需要指出的是不带± dB数的频率范围指标是没有意义的.

2. 频段:200W 工作频段(Frequency Range) 800-2500MHz 阻抗(Impedance) 50欧 带内插损(Insertion Loss) ≤0.2/0.3/0.4d ...产品简介:ADSL语音分离器(ADSL SPLITER)是用来将电话线路中的高频数字信号和低频话音信号分离.低频话音信号由分离器接电话机用来传输普通话音信息;

3. 波段:frequency pushing 频率推移 | frequency range 波段 | frequency range 频率范围

4. 频率范围(声源发声往往是多种频率,频率高低的范围):Frequency Dividing Networks 分频网络(用于频段分割的网络) | Frequency Range 频率范围(声源发声往往是多种频率,频率高低的范围) | Front Panel 面板(机器前面的控制板)

frequency range 单语例句

1. Su added that the increasing frequency of IPR cases posed a challenge to judges because the cases cover a wide range of industries.

2. frequency range在线翻译

2. These folklore signs range from an abundance of acorns already on the ground to the frequency of fog in August.