
frequent [ˈfri:kwənt]  [ˈfrikwənt] 





frequent 基本解释

形容词频繁的,时常发生的,常见的; (脉搏等)急促的,快的

及物动词常到,光顾,常与…交往; 常去,时常出入于

frequent 同义词


形容词regular recurrent prevalent common habitual many


frequent 反义词


形容词infrequent rare

frequent 相关例句



1. The crops suffered from frequent blights.

2. I enjoyed his frequent visits.


1. I know him, but I don't frequent him much.

2. Tourists frequent the old temple at the suburbs of the city.

3. John likes to frequent the bars.

frequent 网络解释

1. 频繁:不久,就总是不停,频繁(frequent)地打电话来了,最后竟然上瘾了. frequent时常发生的, 频繁的,通常强调动作的多次反复出现;B. regular有规则的,经常的,强调动作有规律的经常出现;unusual不平常的,不平常的,强调非常的情况;

2. 时常访问:habitat: 栖息地;居留地 | frequent: 时常访问 | initiate: 发起

3. 经常的:freight 货物运输 | frequent 经常的 | fresh 新鲜的

4. 时常发生的:various不同的,許多的 | frequent 時常發生的 | link 連接,環

5. frequent:freq; 经常

frequent 词典解释
The adjective is pronounced /'friːkwənt/. The verb is pronounced /frɪ'kwent/. 形容词读作/'friːkwənt/。动词读作/frɪ'kwent/。

1. 经常性的;频繁的
    If something is frequent, it happens often.

    e.g. Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains...
    e.g. He is a frequent visitor to the house.

Iron and folic acid supplements are frequently given to pregnant women.

2. 常到;常去;常出入于
    If someone frequents a particular place, they regularly go there.

    e.g. I hear he frequents the Cajun restaurant in Hampstead.

frequent 单语例句

1. The government's frequent campaigns against intellectual property infringement helped create a sound business environment and greatly boosted the development of the country's software industry.

2. Chinese airlines are the target of a rising number of complaints about frequent delays, especially in busy terminals like Beijing and Shanghai.

3. Some analysts warned during previous price wars that frequent promotions may overstretch consumers'buying capacity.

4. Bilateral ties have been by and large developing smoothly, as leaders of the two countries have maintained frequent exchanges of visits and contacts.

5. frequent的反义词

5. The frequent reports of domestic violence have inspired China's lawmakers to act.

6. One reason is that newspapers have been hit by frequent newsprint price rises.

7. The two countries have experienced active cultural exchanges and frequent visits by art troupes in recent years.

8. Dozens of officials and tribal leaders gathered under a white canopy, speaking from a podium to the crowd who broke into frequent " God is great " chant.

9. I heard there have been frequent strikes there and I wonder whether tourists can carelessly stroll around.

10. frequent的解释

10. Cartoon crossings for children before schools and special strips printed at junctions where seniors frequent are also due to come out in the Municipality.

frequent 英英释义



1. be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place

    e.g. She haunts the ballet

    Synonym: haunt

2. frequent

2. do one's shopping at
    do business with
    be a customer or client of

    Synonym: patronize patronise shop shop at buy at sponsor


1. frequently encountered

    e.g. a frequent (or common) error is using the transitive verb `lay' for the intransitive `lie'

2. frequent的反义词

2. coming at short intervals or habitually

    e.g. a frequent guest
           frequent complaints