1. 油炸食颇人:friendship 友谊 | frier 油炸食颇人 | frieze 中楣
2. 油炸锅:Friendshipwashingmachine友谊牌洗衣机 | frier油炸锅 | friezeboucle毛圈织物
3. 炸锅/煎锅/油炸食品的人:friendship /友谊/友情/友爱/交谊/谊/ | frier /炸锅/煎锅/油炸食品的人/ | frieze /横饰带/带状雕刻/一种厚粗绒/使起绒毛/
4. 做油炸食品的人:descrier 看见者,发现者 | frier 做油炸食品的人 | prier 刺探者,窥探者
1. An example of how Israelis feel about rules can be seen in the term frier.
一个例子,说明以色列人感到担心规则中可以看出长期 frier。
2. A frier will follow the rules and may do so at his own expense.
阿 frier 将遵循规则,并可能这样做自费。
3. Brownian movement and the hydraulic condition required is only that the coagulant can be dispersed in the water rapidly; As the floe is growing frier, the condition of making the floe diameters controlled in a certain limit is to be provided as well as the condition favorable for the collision of the floe.