fringe benefit

fringe benefit [frindʒ ˈbenifit]  [frɪndʒ ˈbɛnəfɪt] 

fringe benefit的翻译

第三人称复数:fringe benefits

fringe benefit 基本解释
fringe benefit 相关例句

fringe benefit的反义词


1. One of the fringe benefits is free meals.

fringe benefit 网络解释

fringe benefit是什么意思

1. 附带福利:职业福利,也称为附带福利(fringe benefit),指与就业或缴费记录有关的由企业提供的各种内部福利,可以现金或实物形式支付,常常由政府依法强制实施,如企业补充医疗和补充养老保险、子女教育和住房补助、有薪假期等等.

2. 附加福利:所谓附加福利(fringe benefit)是指雇主给雇员的小额优惠,一般以津贴形式出现,如雇主给雇员提供免费午餐、福利住房、提供交通工具、免费休假等. 如果对这些不加控制就会增大雇主的成本开支范围,而减少雇员的应纳税所得,这对主雇双方都是有利的,

3. 福利:职业福利,也称为附带福利(fringe benefit) ,指与就业或缴费记录有关的由企业提供的各种内部福利,可以现金或实物形式支付,常常由政府依法强制实施,如企业补充医疗和补充养老保险、子女教育和住房补助、有薪假期等等.

4. 附带利益:French Banking Commission 法国银行业监察委员会 | fringe benefit 附带利益 | fringe market 外围市场

fringe benefit 词典解释

1. (用车等工资之外的)附加福利
    Fringe benefits are extra things that some people get from their job in addition to their salary, for example a car.

2. 附带好处
    The fringe benefits of doing something are the extra advantages which you get from it, although you may not have expected them and they were not the main reason for doing it.

    e.g. His support was one of the nicest fringe benefits of pursuing this research.

fringe benefit 单语例句

1. In the past in Chinese cities, housing was a fringe benefit for staff members of government institutions and industrial workers.

fringe benefit 英英释义

fringe benefit的近义词


1. an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right)

    e.g. a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job

    Synonym: perquisite perk