



fripperies 基本解释
便宜而俗艳的服装,无用的东西( frippery的名词复数 );
fripperies 双语例句

1. Don't sacrifice features you really need for fripperies.

2. To his friends: serious, high-minds, impatient with fripperies.

3. And as Bryan Caplan, of George Mason University, points out, many trinkets and fripperies themselves provide a stream of experiences.

4. He cares not for the pretty fripperies Arsene Wenger indulges at Arsenal.

5. Those fripperies make her look ugly.

6. Your soul is a sealed garden, and there go With masque and bergamasque fair companies Playing on lutes and dancing and as though Sad under their fantastic fripperies.
    月光 保尔。魏尔伦你的心灵是幅精选风景,假面和贝加摩舞添风采,他们跳着舞,又弹起竖琴,在奇装异服下近乎悲哀。

7. THE LIGHT OF THE MOON Paul Veriaine Your soul is a sealed garden, and there go With masque and bergamasque fair companies Playing on lutes and dancing and as though Sad under their fantastic fripperies.
    月光 保尔。魏尔伦你的心灵是幅精选风景,假面和贝加摩舞添风采,他们跳着舞,又弹起竖琴,在奇装异服下近乎悲哀。