
frisson ['fri:sɒ̃]  [friˈsoŋ] 


frisson 基本解释
frisson 网络解释

1. 打颤:fringe of consciousness 意识边缘 | frisson 打颤 | Froehlich?s syndrome 费罗利克综合症 费罗利克徵候?

2. 栗:7 沉 Sinking | 8 栗 Frisson | 9 滞 Stagnant

frisson 单语例句

1. After the initial frisson of interest it quickly became apparent that this was a pale imitation - Shenyang without the charisma.

2. frisson是什么意思

2. As pastimes go it is in the same league as watching paint dry, with perhaps a frisson of extra excitement.

3. frisson什么意思

3. There was a palpable frisson of astonishment in the audience when the phantom ship glided from backstage and almost protruded into the orchestra pit.

frisson 英英释义


1. frisson的反义词

1. an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

    e.g. a frisson of surprise shot through him

    Synonym: shiver chill quiver shudder thrill tingle