1. 蛙人:效仿美国海豹突击队 蛙人(Frogman)特指海军水下战斗人员. 在东南亚各国,蛙人实力最强的莫过于越南和新加坡. 早在越战期间,越南就极为重视水下特种作战的...
2. 潜水员:frogging 互换 | frogman 潜水员 | frogmenfrogman 的复数
3. 蛙人;潜水员:dog-day三伏天 | frogman蛙人;潜水员 | donkey engine小型引擎
4. 蛙人 (名):frog 蛙, 青蛙; 法国佬; 饰扣; 辙叉 (名) | frogman 蛙人 (名) | frolic 嬉戏; 作乐; 欢闹 (动)
1. (尤指进行维修或搜寻工作的)蛙人,潜水员
A frogman is someone whose job involves diving and working underwater, especially in order to mend or search for something. Frogmen wear special rubber suits and shoes, and carry equipment to help them to breathe underwater.
1. A frogman with the fire services department located the body around 2 pm on Monday.