from of old

from of old [frɔm ɔv əuld]  [frʌm ʌv old] 

from of old 基本解释


from of old 网络解释

1. 自古以来:from now on 从现在开始 | from of old 自古以来 | from one place to another 从一地到另一地

2. 自古以来, 很久以来:as of old 一如既往, 照旧 | from of old 自古以来, 很久以来 | never too old to learn 学无止境, 活到老学到老

from of old 单语例句

1. Round the corner from the Summer Palace in Beijing, lives an old man by the name of Wang Qizhi.


2. Income from this old trade is still one of the major sources of cash for many families in the area.

3. from of old的意思

3. Most people believe the old and narrow hutongs will change from people's residences into reminders of the past.

4. from of old

4. The very first impression I had of Guangzhou was of the chockablock billboards that lined up the road leading from the old railway station.

5. A warrant issued by an Iraqi court accused him of counterfeiting old Iraqi dinars, which were removed from circulation after the ouster of Saddam Hussein last year.

6. With the background changing between old Beijing's hutongs and the modern cityscape, the performance is developed from the viewpoint of a dove of peace.

7. This mindset let the old city come under attack from the wrecking ball of modernization especially in the past 30 years.

8. Excluding the danwei from these personal procedures reconciles an essential but unaddressed conflict between the old practice and the constitutional promise of personal freedom.

9. This contradiction stems from the old but not unsolvable problem of the relationship between the media and the government.

10. It came from an old Chinese saying " A phoenix soars out of a chicken coop ".