
frown [fraʊn]  [fraʊn] 








frown 基本解释

及物/不及物动词皱眉; 不同意; 蹙额


frown 同义词

动词scowl pout


frown 反义词


frown 相关例句



1. She frowned disapproval.


1. The mountains frown down on the plain.

2. He frowned as he tried to work out the sum.

3. The father frowned on his son's behavior.


1. She looked at her son's composition with a frown.

frown 网络解释


1. 皱眉:单就面部表情来说,它可分为对视(eye contact)、笑(smile/laugh)、皱眉(frown)等,当然心灵的沟通是最重要的. 但是中学生在使用或辨别相邻语对时常常会出现失误. 除了不注意语境的死搬硬套之外,还有以下原因:

2. 你皺起眉頭:flop 你扑通地跌了一跤. | frown 你皱起眉头. | gag 你把嘴吧的拉炼拉上,决定不说话了.

3. 皱眉头:frost -霜冻,严寒天气 | frown-皱眉头 | fruitful -多产的,丰富的

4. 蹙眉:demand 要求 | frown 蹙眉 | groan 呻吟

frown 词典解释

1. (因恼怒、担心、困惑、全神贯注等而)皱眉,蹙额
    When someone frowns, their eyebrows become drawn together, because they are annoyed, worried, or puzzled, or because they are concentrating.

    e.g. Nancy shook her head, frowning...
    e.g. He frowned at her anxiously.

2. 反对;不赞成;不同意
    If something is frowned upon or is frowned on people disapprove of it.

    e.g. This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful...
    e.g. Many teachers frown on such practices.

相关词组:frown upon

frown 单语例句

1. frown的解释

1. So without further adieu I will share with you the top three things that bring a frown and a smile to my face.

2. Someone whisked by a time machine from two generations ago might frown upon even the most puritanical form of dating and mating extant today.

3. The teenager said his father always came home with a frown on his face and complained about his workload.

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4. I couldn't really tell, but I didn't frown at them any more.

5. frown的解释

5. Many parents frown even upon the idea of teenagers receiving sex education at school, because they fear it could have the opposite effect.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. I used to frown at the phenomenon because I could not help but remember the day when I went to university in late August 1964.

7. frown的解释

7. Only close family and friends know what he is doing, because the militiamen in his neighborhood frown on such frivolities.

8. frown的解释

8. But will there be painkillers if need be, even though Scientology seems to frown on certain types of medication?

9. " My daughter has a poor memory and she always forgets what she has learnt, " Dong's mother said with a frown.

10. And they also frown upon male migrants in the cities who earn less than they do.

frown 英英释义


1. frown的意思

1. a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

    Synonym: scowl


1. look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval

    Synonym: glower lour lower