
fruitcake ['fru:keɪk]  ['fru:keɪk] 


fruitcake 基本解释


fruitcake 网络解释


1. 水果蛋糕:274. Basil巴兹尔 | 275. Fruitcake水果蛋糕 | 276. Salad 凉拌菜,色拉

2. 采果糕饼:fruitarian 常食水果的人 | fruitcake 采果糕饼 | fruited 结果实的

3. 蠢人,疯子:fruity 具女人气的同性恋男子 | fruitcake 蠢人,疯子 | nuttier than a fruitcake 完完全全疯了

4. 掺有干果的糕饼:fruitarian /常食水果的人/果食主义者/ | fruitcake /掺有干果的糕饼/ | fruited /结有果实的/加水果的/

fruitcake 词典解释

1. 干果蛋糕
    A fruitcake is a cake that contains raisins, currants, and other dried fruit.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 疯子;怪人
    If you refer to someone as a fruitcake, you mean that they are mad or that their behaviour is very strange.

fruitcake 单语例句

1. fruitcake的意思

1. Matured to a rich dark juiciness, the fruitcake holds together a rainbow of fruits and nuts macerated in richly aromatic liqueurs.

2. If you like your fruitcake more mature and mellow, start baking now.

3. I have made a deliciously light fruitcake that uses no liqueur and it always turns out moist and just as rich.

4. My favorite recipe is a Jewel Fruitcake that I first made more than 20 years ago as a fledgling cook.

5. This cake should be eaten within a week as it will not keep like a traditional fruitcake.

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6. Witness how the fruitcake is also culinary history's most maligned morsel.

7. fruitcake的反义词

7. There are also countless jokes written about unwilling recipients at Christmas who recycle their Aunt Bettina's fruitcake gift to other unsuspecting relatives.

8. This basic recipe spun off lots of wonderful variations - including chocolate cake, light fruitcake and seed and nut cake.

fruitcake 英英释义



1. a rich cake containing dried fruit and nuts and citrus peel and so on

2. a whimsically eccentric person

    Synonym: crackpot crank nut nut case screwball