frying pans

frying pans

frying pans 双语例句

1. Kicking, punching and swinging every household object imaginable-from frying pans and tennis rackets to pillowcases stuffed with soda cans-they beat each other mercilessly in a garage in this bedroom community south of San Francisdo. Then, bloodied and bruised, they limp back to their desks in the morning.
    用每一个可以想象得出来的家用物品脚踢、击打和挥舞,--从煎锅到网球拍和枕套之类的东西跟苏打罐一起(电影中两个男主角经常用这些东西来敲打罐头,就像打高尔夫球一样)--他们在旧金山南部的一个卧室群体( Bedroom community,我实在不知道怎么译才准确)的车库中残忍的互相对打,然后一瘸一拐的在第二天清晨回到他们的办公桌(这里跟电影剧情是一样的)。

2. It`s in the process that makes frying pans slippery.

3. In the fourteenth century, during the reign of Edward Ⅲof England, the pieces of cookware——iron pots, griddles, spits, and frying pans—were numbered among the king's jewels.

4. Our company specializes in producing all kinds of pot, wok, frying pans, bakeware, etc, and satisfies all kinds of requirements and designs from our customers.

5. One of the company's successes in the past year has been an unusual non-stick coating for frying pans.

6. Ivan, 6, is purported to posess an extraordinary and seemingly magical talent: the ability to attract metallic objects from spoons to heavy frying pans to his body.

7. Thanks to space research, we can now see television pictures transmitted live half-way across the globe and the housewife can use non-stick frying-pans in the kitchen.