
full-length [fʊl leŋθ]  [ˈfʊlˈlɛŋkθ, -ˈlɛŋθ] 

full-length 基本解释

形容词全长的; 全身的; 标淮长度的; 未经删节的

full-length 网络解释


1. 全长的:full-grown 发育完全的 | full-length 全长的 | full-mouthed 大声的

2. 全身的:length 长,长度 | full-length 全身的 | strength 力量;力气

3. 全长的, 全身的, 标淮长度的, 未经删节的, 大型的:annuitant 领受养老金者 | full-length 全长的, 全身的, 标淮长度的, 未经删节的, 大型的 | field effect transistor 场效应晶体管

4. 全长:fuel cell 燃料电池 | full length 全长 | fumarase 延胡索酸酶

full-length 词典解释

1. (书籍、唱片或电影)标准长度的,未经删节的
    A full-length book, record, or film is the normal length, rather than being shorter than normal.

    e.g. ...his first full-length recording in well over a decade.

2. (上衣或裙子)长及小腿(或脚踝)的;(衣袖)长及手腕的
    A full-length coat or skirt is long enough to reach the lower part of a person's leg, almost to the ankles. A full-length sleeve reaches a person's wrist.

3. full-length的近义词

3. (窗帘等)长及地面的,落地的
    Full-length curtains or other furnishings reach to the floor.

4. full-length是什么意思

4. (镜子或画像)全身的
    A full-length mirror or painting shows the whole of a person.

5. (四肢)伸展开地,摊平地
    Someone who is lying full-length, is lying down flat and stretched out.

    e.g. She stretched herself out full-length.

full-length 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. complete

    e.g. the full-length play

    Synonym: uncut

2. full-length的近义词

2. representing or accommodating the entire length

    e.g. a full-length portrait