
fun [fʌn]  [fʌn] 







fun 基本解释

名词乐趣; 娱乐活动; 嬉戏,嬉闹; 有趣的事

形容词开心的; 使人愉快的

不及物动词嬉闹; 开玩笑

fun 相关词组

1. for fun : 开玩笑地;

2. like fun : [口]有力地, 迅速地, 完全地, 彻底地;

fun 相关例句



1. He was just funning.


1. Mr.Smith is great fun.

2. He's fond of fun.

3. The little dog's full of fun.

4. His uncle is fond of fun.

fun 情景对话

Before Leaving Home-(离家前)

A:Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up??

B:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I look? Is my make-up OK?

A:You look great. Your make-up is perfect.

B:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

A:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that.

B:Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?

A:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect.

B:Thanks for helping out?. Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight?

A:Not much, just a house party? with some friends.

B:Sounds fun. Anyone I know?

A:Yeah, most of the people are from our office.

B:Sounds Like I'm missing out on? a good time. Oh, well, there is always next year.

A:I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go. Remember to take your bag.

fun 网络解释

1. 游乐车:澳大利亚联邦汽车工业商会将摩托车细分为全用途摩托车(AllTerrainVehicles,ATV's)和两轮摩托车两大类,后者又可细分为电动脚踏车(Scooter)、游乐车(Fun)、路用车(RoadMotorCycle)和越野车(off-RoadMotorC...在联合国驻伊拉克办事处遭到汽车炸弹袭击以后,

2. fun:function; 功能,函数,操作

3. fun:frye utilities for networks; 弗赖伊网络实用工具〖软件名〗

fun 词典解释

1. fun的解释

1. 趣事;乐趣
    You refer to an activity or situation as fun if you think it is pleasant and enjoyable and it causes you to feel happy.

    e.g. This year promises to be terrifically good fun...
    e.g. It was such a success and we had so much fun doing it...

2. 有趣的人;好玩的人
    If you say that someone is fun, you mean that you enjoy being with them because they say and do interesting or amusing things.

    e.g. Liz was wonderful fun to be with.

3. fun的解释

3. 令人愉快的;让人开心的;有趣的
    If you describe something as a fun thing, you mean that you think it is enjoyable. If you describe someone as a fun person, you mean that you enjoy being with them.

    e.g. It was a fun evening...
    e.g. What a fun person he is!

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 荒唐可笑的人;引人嘲笑的人
    Someone who is a figure of fun is considered ridiculous, so that people laugh at them or make jokes about them.

5. fun什么意思

5. 为了好玩
    If you do something for fun or for the fun of it, you do it in order to enjoy yourself rather than because it is important or necessary.

    e.g. I took my M. A. just for fun really...
    e.g. He had just come for the fun of it.

6. (尤指不负责任的)玩笑,嬉闹,恶作剧
    You can refer to playful behaviour as fun and games, especially if you disapprove of it because you think it is irresponsible.

    e.g. Police suspected that the boys, whose fun and games hurt a lot of people, were on drugs.

7. 开玩笑地;闹着玩地
    If you do something in fun, you do it as a joke or for amusement, without intending to cause any harm.

    e.g. Don't say such things, even in fun.

8. 取笑;戏弄;拿…开玩笑
    If you make fun of someone or something or poke fun at them, you laugh at them, tease them, or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous.

    e.g. Don't make fun of me...
    e.g. She poked fun at people's shortcomings.

fun 单语例句

1. Many young entrepreneurs said online business helps lower costs and increase efficiency, and also offers opportunities to make friends and find fun.

2. This cluster of a baker's dozen plus nightspots is heavily gimmicky, but there's something fun for everyone among the particularly thematic watering holes found here.

3. Deputy President Fong Chee Fun will act as substitute for the president.

4. But for most children, a mobile phone is more for fun.

5. But by and large, the CBA's fans are intelligent and fun to share an arena with.

6. What was worse, the little girl calmly claimed that all her classmates downloaded the short messages for fun.

7. Although I wouldn't mind a cameo - that would be fun.

8. fun是什么意思

8. A professional coach from the GS Academy will oversee this weeklong camp to teach children proper tennis techniques while focusing on fitness and fun.

9. It's great fun to have a barbecue by a campfire on the beach at night.

10. With many outdoor lakes opened as skating sites last week around downtown Beijing, skating fans can hit the ice for some winter fun.

fun 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. activities that are enjoyable or amusing

    e.g. I do it for the fun of it
           he is fun to have around

    Synonym: merriment playfulness

2. violent and excited activity

    e.g. she asked for money and then the fun began
           they began to fight like fun

3. fun什么意思

3. a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement

    e.g. her playfulness surprised me
           he was fun to be with

    Synonym: playfulness

4. fun的解释

4. verbal wit or mockery (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously)

    e.g. he became a figure of fun
           he said it in sport

    Synonym: play sport