
functional [ˈfʌŋkʃənl]  [ˈfʌŋkʃənəl] 

functional 基本解释


形容词功能的; [数]函数的; 有多种用途的; 机能性

functional 网络解释

1. 泛函:他1910年的著作<>(变分学教程),为泛函分析打下基础,事实上泛函 (functional) 这个词就是他发明的. Hadamard 在二十世纪初卷入影响法国政治甚钜的 Dreyfus 事件(他涉嫌洩露国家机密给德国,

2. 功能性的:它一般不包括功能性的(functional)棉质(cotton)内衣. 它的发音一般模仿法语(faux French pronunciation英国发音为LONJ-er-ee;美国发音为lonj-er-AY(大写表示重读). 在二十世纪上半叶,女性内衣主要功能是改变体型(alter the shape;

3. 功能的:品牌可为消费者提供同的;,主要分为三种:功能的(functional)、体验的(experiential)以及象征的(symbolic)品牌. 分述如下:功能性(functional benefits)主要是解决内在产生的消费需求,强调品牌产品的菜单现. 这些&O3965;&O4023;通常&O3895;

functional 词典解释

1. functional是什么意思

1. 实用的;为实用而设计的
    Functional things are useful rather than decorative.

    e.g. ...modern, functional furniture...
    e.g. The decor is functional.

2. 工作(或运转)方式的;功能性的
    Functional means relating to the way in which something works or operates, or relating to how useful it is.

    e.g. ...rules defining the territorial boundaries and functional limits of the local state.

The Indian cavalry under Haig became a functionally efficient unit...
It satisfies the user's requirements both functionally and emotionally.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 在工作的;在起作用的;运转正常的
    Functional equipment works or operates in the way that it is supposed to.

    e.g. We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.

functional 单语例句

1. functional是什么意思

1. He also said the current proposal will not touch on the cancellation of the functional constituencies and the division voting system.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Senator Ben Cardin expressed hope for a more functional and harmonious chamber.

3. Since the electorate base of functional constituencies exceeds 3 million people, the representativeness of the CE and the legislature would thus be further bolstered.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The fast roads system is composed of three ring roads and 16 radioactive fast roads, which connect the 19 functional districts in the center city.

5. Injured Australian centre Chris Anstey is not at all surprised that even a rusty Bruton has made the Boomers a more functional unit.

6. The Charlie's Angels star insists she's already got everything she needs, but any presents she does receive have to be functional.

7. functional的翻译

7. The factories are operated under Akzo Nobel's three major chemical business units polymer, functional and pulp and paper.

8. functional的翻译

8. In addition, the functional departments of the three countries have carried out cooperation in forensic science.

9. His various indexes in clinic exam and space physical functional exam have been all excellent, impressing all experts of the selection committee.

10. Functional aspect requires the utilitarian value in the work, in addition to its recreational and collectable value.