1. 宫底:子宫上端左右两侧连接两条输卵管,下连接阴道. 在子宫上还有两条韧带连接卵巢. 子宫由上到下可分为子宫底(Fundus)、子宫体(Body)、峡部(Isthmus)与子宫颈(Cervix):
2. 底:一、正常解剖形态:多数呈梨形(pear-shaped)分部:底(fundus)、体(body)颈(neck)胆汁:无回声区(anechoic area)第六章胆道及胰腺一、正常解剖空腹状态(fasting state)大小:长径前后径囊壁:纤细光滑,
3. 胃底:胃腔之於贲门以上部叫胃底(fundus ),自切迹(incisura angularis)以下部之胃腔叫胃窦(antrum). 胃窦之接近幽门之部份,叫幽门部(pyloric portion). 胃壁由粘膜、肌层及外膜而成. 最内层为粘膜,其表面成多条皱襞,叫胃粘膜皱襞(mucosal folds).
4. 胃底部:而胃腺由三种细胞所构成:颈粘液细胞分泌粘液,位于表面上皮层之下;主细胞分泌消化液,主要为胃蛋白酶,位于腺体之中间,颈粘液细胞之下方;壁细胞则分泌盐酸,即所谓的胃酸,壁细胞位于胃底部 ( fundus ) 靠贲门处,含有许多小管与腺腔相通.
1. About 90 percent of the body's ghrelin originates in the fundus, which requires a good blood supply to make the hormone.
2. An estimated 90 percent of the body's ghrelin originates in the fundus, which can't make the hormone without a good blood supply.
1. danci.911cha.com
1. (anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening
e.g. the uterine fundus
the fundus of the stomach