
futility [fju:'tɪlətɪ]  [fjuˈtɪlətɪ] 

futility 基本解释

名词无效; 无益; 无益的事; 无效果的行动

futility 网络解释


1. 无益:这类步骤在合同履行中是否是基本的步骤,应视双方的约定而言,如果双方规定必须给出一份通知书以便使合同中别的条款进入运作,那么我怀疑根据诸如此类的准备就绪通知书无益(futility)的理由,它能否被省略掉.

2. 没有用的:decadence衰微,堕落,颓废,委靡 | futility没有用的 | thecuttingedge最前沿

3. 无用,无益:pot sticker:煎熟的饺子 | futility:无用,无益 | endeavor:努力,尽力,尝试

futility 词典解释

1. 无益;无用;徒劳;白费
    Futility is a total lack of purpose or usefulness.

    e.g. ...the injustice and futility of terrorism.

futility 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. " I believe it would be an act of futility, " she said.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The win also extends the futility of Chinese players on their domestic tour as foreign players have won the first four legs this season.

3. The bomb attack in Tel Aviv on Sunday highlights the futility of the wall, which was even condemned by Israel's supreme court last month.

4. It is time for the American elite to come to their senses and realize the futility of wars in this world.

5. And the industry is different from the meat industry, in the futility of all that death.

futility 英英释义



1. futility在线翻译

1. uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result