gamma ray

gamma ray [ˈɡæmə rei]  [ˈɡæmə re] 

gamma ray 基本解释
gamma ray 网络解释

gamma ray

1. 伽玛射线:我建议您去做 伽玛射线(Gamma ray)手术(我父母都做过. )它是一种非常先进的手术,它利用伽玛射线(一种波长短,有高能量的射线. )杀死肿瘤. 这种手术不需开颅,不疼,但是他要用螺丝将架子固定,所以要拧进头皮(对大脑无害.

2. 伽马射线:处于激发态的原子跃迁回基态的时候辐射出伽马射线(Gamma Ray). 穆斯堡尔发现,如果辐射伽马射线的原子核是包含在一块高质量晶体内的大量原子核中的一个,那么每一次辐射出来的伽马射线的能量几乎完全相同.

3. 射线:(cosmic ray)碰撞到火星的表面时,伽玛射线(gamma ray)和中子(neutrons)会从土壤飞出,从量度伽玛射线和中子的能量,火星奥德赛宇宙飞船上的伽玛射线摄谱仪器便可以断定火星土壤内的元素(elements),和土壤内元素的含量;中图所见,

4. 光量子:gamma radiography 照相术 | gamma ray 光量子 | gamma ray and neutron detector 射线和中子探测器

gamma ray 单语例句

1. gamma ray的近义词

1. One unknown about gamma ray bursts is how many particles they spew as cosmic rays.

2. gamma ray

2. It remains uncertain just how wide the beams of energy that gamma ray bursts release are.

3. Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosions known in the universe.

4. Future research should focus on whether WR 104 really is pointed at Earth and on better understanding how supernovae produce gamma ray bursts.

5. Unfortunately for us, gamma ray bursts seem to be shot right along the axis of systems.


6. Gamma ray bursts would also trigger smog formation that could blot out sunlight and rain down acid.

gamma ray 英英释义


1. electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay and having an extremely short wavelength

    Synonym: gamma radiation