
gargantuan [gɑ:ˈgæntʃuən]  [gɑ:rˈgæntʃuən] 

gargantuan 基本解释


gargantuan 网络解释

1. 巨型:大型(Large),超大型(Huge),巨型(Gargantuan),超巨型(Colossal)生物:非常大的生物占据空间不止一个方格. 正在夹击(Flanking)防御者+2-在掩蔽(cover)后+4+4隐蔽(Concealed)或者隐形(invisible)-见隐蔽部分-长枪(Lances)和冲锋攻击:乘骑中的人物进行冲锋时,

2. 龐大:Large => 大型 | Huge => 巨型 | Gargantuan => 龐大

gargantuan 词典解释

1. 巨大的;庞大的
    If you say that something is gargantuan, you are emphasizing that it is very large.

    e.g. ...a marketing event of gargantuan proportions.
    e.g. ...a gargantuan corruption scandal.

gargantuan 单语例句


1. A gargantuan LCD screen and red lights decorate the interior of this impressively massive club, which often plays host to international DJs.

2. Those of you who have seen photos of the already built 800 meters of the highly unhidden dragon would marvel at the gargantuan structure.


3. The preference is evident in the gargantuan New World Department Store in Shanghai's commercial heart.

4. gargantuan的解释

4. But most finds have been limited to one or two or three planets, usually gargantuan balls of gas similar to Jupiter or Saturn.

5. gargantuan什么意思

5. In the meantime, some of the gargantuan fast food provider's product prices have actually increased a tad.

6. gargantuan在线翻译

6. From the outside the lattice work gives little hint of the gargantuan stage inside.

7. gargantuan的解释

7. Gargantuan government spending on official receptions, vehicles and travels abroad has drawn much criticism in China.

8. And if thousands of people share the same name, the confusion attains gargantuan proportions.

9. And he is doing it on a scale that befits this gargantuan event.

10. The Emperor requested that the construction of a gargantuan tomb would be made.

gargantuan 英英释义



1. of great mass
    huge and bulky

    e.g. a jumbo jet
           jumbo shrimp

    Synonym: elephantine giant jumbo