
garrison [ˈgærɪsn]  [ˈɡærɪsən] 









garrison 基本解释

名词加里森; 守备部队,卫戍部队; 要塞,驻防区

及物动词驻防; 守卫

garrison 相关例句


1. The soldiers garrisoned the town.

2. The town was garrisoned by a battalion.


1. A garrison was stationed in the town.

garrison 网络解释

1. 卫戍部队:在达赖喇嘛(Dalai Lama)死后,一位新的达赖喇嘛被康熙拥立,一支满族人卫戍部队(garrison)也留在了西藏. 与此同时,另外一支中国军队攻进了准噶尔人的腹地,占领了乌鲁木齐和吐鲁番(Turpan),其余的中国平叛军队最终于1732年剿灭了准噶尔人的反抗,

2. 要塞:领地内又多了几样特殊建筑,酒馆(Tavern)、交(Tradingst)和要塞(Garrison). 前两个好办,吴忧直接释放到了正在四处建设的冰峰溪谷城中,不过最后一座建设在边境的要塞吴忧却没有地方放,毕竟已经有了一座前哨. 就先搁着吧.

3. 驻军:驻军(Garrison):这个由城内驻军人数与人口的比例决定,范围在0%-80%之间,具体计算未弄清楚,只知道随着驻军人数的增加会产生累加效果. 而且这个只算数量,不算质量,因此用农民就好,完全没有必要用高级的兵种放在城里.

4. 警备区(卫戍区):景泰蓝 cloisonné | 警备区(卫戍区) Garrison | 竞争上岗 take up a job through competition

garrison 词典解释

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1. 卫戍部队;守备部队;警卫部队
    A garrison is a group of soldiers whose task is to guard the town or building where they live.

    e.g. ...a five-hundred man French army garrison.

2. 卫戍区;驻防地
    A garrison is the buildings which the soldiers live in.

    e.g. The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.

3. 派(兵)驻守;驻防
    To garrison a place means to put soldiers there in order to protect it. You can also say that soldiers are garrisoned in a place.

    e.g. British troops still garrisoned the country...
    e.g. No other soldiers were garrisoned there.

garrison 单语例句

1. He said the PLA Garrison would fully cooperate with the police and the judiciary, while that officer would be subject to disciplinary action based on military rules.

2. " Right now I have the whole world converging on me to do interviews, " Garrison said.

3. garrison的翻译

3. Police said they are also recommending that Garrison be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

4. garrison的解释

4. His counterpart south of Baghdad seemed to agree, saying US troops are too few to garrison the districts newly rid of insurgents.

5. Wang said the PLA Garrison had established action plans for emergency events and conducted drills with relevant authorities of the SAR government.

6. The first bomb exploded on the bus early Tuesday morning as it traveled through Rawalpindi, a garrison city about seven miles south of Islamabad.

7. garrison

7. The test of Garrison's blood sample showed that his alcohol level nearly twice California's legal limit and he was also under the influence of cocaine.

8. Ownership was handed over to the PLA Garrison after Hong Kong's return.

9. Williams had been named to the squad by captain Zina Garrison in March, but she was not on the International Tennis Federation's official team nomination list Wednesday.

10. garrison的翻译

10. These days it attracts some tourists, but is known mostly as a garrison town wealthier than many others in Pakistan.

garrison 英英释义



1. a fortified military post where troops are stationed

    Synonym: fort

2. the troops who maintain and guard a fortified place


1. garrison的意思

1. station (troops) in a fort or garrison