
gate [geɪt]  [ɡet] 







gate 基本解释


名词门; 闸门; 登机门; 入场费

及物动词给…装大门; [电子学] 电波传送

gate 相关例句



1. It's a long gate from here.

2. Gates are down on last season.

3. He 's gone some other gate.

4. Diligence is the gate to success.

5. The school has iron gates between the yard and the road.

gate 情景对话

Traveling by Plane-(飞机旅行)

A:Can I see your ticket please?

B:Here you are.

A:Ok, Mr. Smith. Do you have any bags to check?

B:Just this one.

A:And would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?

B:Aisle, please.

A:Boarding time is 10:20am.

B:What’s the gate number?

A:Gate 29C. Have a nice flight.


A:Excuse me. What time does the next bus for Boston leave?

B:It leaves at 8:30.
      在8 点半开车。

A:I see. Are there any seats available?

B:Just s moment, please. Yes, you can have a seat.

A:Good. How much is a one-way ticket?

B:It’s 38 dollars.
      38 美元。

A:All right. Here’s 40 dollars.
      好的,这是40 美元。

B:Here’s your ticket and change.

A:Thank you. Which gate should I go to for the bus?

B:Go to gate number 2, please.
      请到2 号站台。

A:Thank you very much.

B:Don’t mention it.


B:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

A:Yes, I need to check-in for the 11:20 flight to New York, please.

B:O.K. Ticket, please.

A:Here you are.

B:Would you like a window or an aisle seat, Mr. Smith?

A:I want an aisle seat as close to the exit door as possible, please.

B:Very well. Do you have any bags to check?

A:No, I just have this one small bag.

B:Here you are, seat 12c. Please go to gate 23 after passing through the security checkpoint.

A:Thank you.

B:Have a nice day.

A:You, too.

gate 网络解释

1. 登机口:a,在取得2张登机牌后,查看登机牌,上面有Fight信息,一般从香港到迪拜是EK380,迪拜到非洲是EK (这个信息电子机票上也有),再查看一下登机时间,根据这些信息你再查看大屏幕上会告诉你需要在哪个登机口(GATE)登机,如果你找不到,

2. 浇口:B.射出机套筒(Barrel)设定温度a)制品厚度 b) 尺寸 c) 浇口(Gate)及流道(Runner)系统2. 在射出周期中勿将热融胶 (Hot Melt)长期停留在加热管中. 3. 热浇道(Hot Runner)系统温度勿超过210℃

3. 门:水门事件也彻底改变了美国媒体和民众对政治人物的看法,带"门"(gate)字的英文词尾从此成为政治丑闻的代名词. 里根政府向伊朗秘密出售军火案被称为"伊朗门"(Irangate克林顿政府解雇负责旅行事务的白宫助理事件被称为"旅行门"(Travelgate

4. gate:general purpose automatic test equipment; 通用自动测试设备

5. gate:gateofthepillar; 天柱门

6. gate:g; 栅极,门(电路),选通

gate 词典解释

1. gate的解释

1. 大门;门
    A gate is a structure like a door which is used at the entrance to a field, a garden, or the grounds of a building.

    e.g. He opened the gate and started walking up to the house.

2. gate

2. 登机门;登机口
    In an airport, a gate is a place where passengers leave the airport and get on their aeroplane.

    e.g. Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check in there.

3. gate什么意思

3. …门(在英国用于街道名)
    Gate is used in the names of streets in Britain that are in a place where there once was a gate into a city.

    e.g. ...9 Palace Gate.

4. gate的反义词

4. (体育比赛的)观众总人数
    The gate at a sporting event such as a football match or baseball game is the total number of people who attend it.

    e.g. Their average gate is less than 23,000.

gate 单语例句

1. gate的反义词

1. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

2. At the entrance of the east gate of the park there are 80 pieces of classic calligraphy works by calligraphers from past dynasties in China.

3. gate是什么意思

3. Video recordings shot by the center's security camera showed the theater gate opened several times that night to fleeing citizens chased by the rioters.

4. gate什么意思

4. Beijing Capital Highway Development Company will finish the construction of another 127 lanes this year, guaranteeing at least one special ETC lane at every toll gate.


5. You just need to slip the right fare into the cash box inside the front gate of the bus when you get on it.

6. A Beijing resident surnamed Ma said he recently witnessed four men snapping up tickets from audience members outside the west gate of the CCTV building.


7. The estate includes a red English telephone booth and English garden, as well as a red Chinese gate and cedar pagoda.

8. This time, " Dragon Tiger Gate " passed the censorship without any cutting.

9. Those masters advised Mo to cut down five trees on the school grounds and to change the direction of the school's main gate.

10. Abdulmutallab passed through a routine security check at the gate in Amsterdam before boarding, officials said.

gate 英英释义


1. a movable barrier in a fence or wall

2. gate什么意思

2. a computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs

    Synonym: logic gate

3. gate的反义词

3. passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark

4. total admission receipts at a sports event


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1. restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment

2. gate在线翻译

2. control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate

3. gate的反义词

3. supply with a gate

    e.g. The house was gated