
gator [ˈgeɪtə(r)]  [ˈɡeɪtər] 


gator 基本解释
gator 网络解释


1. 挺住 掩护东岸:Okay, Bulldog, take the northwest quad.|好的 斗牛犬 往西北方向去 | Gator, hold firm, cover that east bank.|Gator 挺住 掩护东岸 | Samuel's in position?|Samuel就位了吧?

2. 他什么时候能出院? - 他们不确定:They're gonna run some tests and.... | -When does he get out? -Well, they're not sure, Gator.|- 他什么时候能出院? - 他们不确定, Gator | They really aren't. The doctors actually won't know anything unti...

3. 短鼻鳄鱼:alligator 产于美洲的鳄鱼 短吻鳄 | gator 短鼻鳄鱼 | orchid 兰花,淡紫色

4. 短嘴鳄 (名):gathering 聚集; 收款 (名) | gator 短嘴鳄 (名) | gaucheness 缺乏社交经验; 不圆滑 (名)

gator 单语例句

1. gator

1. The animal joins " Later Gator " the alligator, " Goldie " the fish and " Whiskers " the dolphin amongst others.

2. The snake was found with the gator's hindquarters protruding from its midsection.

3. The gator in front of her at this moment is going to be a little tricky.

4. The gator finally gave up and lumbered away, allowing Gay and Blue to escape unharmed.

5. The man gives tours in wetlands known as the Everglades, which are famous for a large gator population.

6. They shut up when she hops on a big gator's back, grabs the snout and wraps it tight with black electrician's tape.

gator 英英释义


1. either of two amphibious reptiles related to crocodiles but with shorter broader snouts

    Synonym: alligator