
gauging ['geɪdʒɪŋ]  ['geɪdʒɪŋ] 







gauging 基本解释


动词计量; (用仪器)测量( gauge的现在分词 ); 估计; 划分

gauging 网络解释

1. 测量:几何尺寸测量(Gauging) 传统的测量方法多是接触型的测量方法,不仅效率低而且容易损伤被测物. 伴随视觉技术和激光技术的发展,基于现代视觉技术的几何特征测量已成为高速生产系统中快速、准确、全面的对产品几何尺寸控制的新方向.

2. 测量[试], 测定 计量:pollution carpet [生态]污染毡状层 | gauging 测量[试], 测定 计量 | Australian broad leared tea tree 澳洲阔叶茶树 绿花白千层

3. 调准:146.校准calibration | 147.调准gauging | 148.调整adjustment

4. 量测:gauging tape 量油尺 | gauging 量测 | Gault stage 高尔特阶

gauging 单语例句

1. The Gini coefficient is a means of gauging disparities in income and wealth.

2. The Bogor Goals chart the future course of APEC and are a criterion for gauging the performance of the Organization.


3. She said current evaluation methods look at a person's decisiveness and air of authority and are therefore not suited to gauging female executives'abilities.

4. Forbes spent about five months gauging the transparency of the top 100 largest public foundations in China and the top 100 largest private foundations.

5. gauging

5. GDP growth of a locality overrode everything else when gauging the " feats " of local leaders just a couple of yeas ago.

6. The move by the public security bureau is aimed at evaluating the security situation, as well as gauging major concerns and soliciting opinions.

7. The government also said that the regulation will serve as an important basis for gauging the performance of village officials in handing out promotions.

8. It pointed out many cities had made the annual assessment as a major reference for gauging local governments'environmental protection efforts.

9. The aluminum producer plans to start gauging demand for the sale on January 4, the people said.

10. Li said the ministry was still gauging public opinion before installation and would adjust its plans accordingly.