gaze at

gaze at [ɡeiz æt]  [ɡez æt] 

gaze at 基本解释

gaze at

凝视; 盯; 瞄; 注目

gaze at 网络解释

1. 凝视,注视:draw on 用做来源,依靠;临近 | gaze at 凝视,注视 | be unaware of 不知道...,没觉察到...

2. 注视,凝视:The bear came at him before he ran away.他还未来得及逃跑,熊就朝他扑来. | 22.gaze at注视,凝视 | What are you gazing at?你在注视什么?

3. 盯住:gazabo 人 | gaze at 盯住 | gaze out 向外注视

4. 观看:7. stay up 熬夜 | 8. gaze at 观看 | 9. get dark 变黑

gaze at 单语例句

1. Punters can perch on a raised platform that runs along its periphery to gaze at the bustling bridge and watch boats float below.

2. gaze at的翻译

2. The eyes of dozens of her students gaze steadily at her hand, curiously but kindly.

3. He said he would wear sunglasses each time they dined together, so that he could gaze at her without her noticing the passion in his eyes.

4. The entrance offers a patio with strategically placed tables and trees, for those who want to gaze at the whizzing cars on Jinling Lu.

5. But the visitors'center from which they can gaze at the plant includes a large and detailed model of the shattered reactor area.

6. gaze at的解释

6. Gaze out over Houhai while listening to his trio play their genre exploring jazz at the intimate East Shore Cafe.

7. While enjoying a healthy walk along the lakeside, people can gaze at a variety of tropical plants that create an exotic atmosphere.

8. While eating his lunch, he would gaze out his window staring at girls passing by on the street.

9. Those at the center of power were totally impenetrable by either public gaze or stray bullets.

10. Residents of Pingyao gaze at collapsed section of the ancient town wall yesterday.