
geisha [ˈgeɪʃə]  [ˈɡeʃə, ˈɡi-] 


geisha 基本解释


geisha 网络解释


1. 艺伎:影片中三位日本京都(Kyoto)艺伎(geisha)小百合(Sayur)、豆叶(Mameha)和初桃(Hatsumomo)将日本独特的传统文化淋漓尽致地在银幕上再现出来. 在影片中,她们身着和服(kinomo)和木屐(geta),挽着高高的发髻(shimada).

2. 艺妓:艺妓,(Geisha)日本传统职业. 产生于17世纪的东京和大阪,最初的艺伎全部是男性,妓院和娱乐场所以演奏传统鼓乐、说唱逗乐为生. 18世纪中叶,艺妓职业渐渐被女性取代,这一传统也一直沿袭至今. 另外,美国作家阿瑟.高顿,

3. 歌妓:有一条街是以日本歌妓(Geisha)出名的, 其实是日本传统餐厅啦. 我们在那条街道逛了一下可惜并没有看到真正的日本歌妓. 京都市中心还真的好逛,只是又是因为时间的关系,而且日本除了餐厅以外服装店的营业时间都到8点其他的也不会超过10点.....

geisha 词典解释

1. (日本)艺妓
    A geisha is a Japanese woman who is specially trained in music, dancing, and the art of conversation. Her job is to entertain men.

geisha 单语例句

1. She is currently engaged in the shooting of Memoirs of A Geisha in Los Angeles.

2. Memoirs of a Geisha star Zhang Ziyi is a rising star in Hollywood, but said she won't let her international fame get to her head.

3. Unlike many Hollywood stars who have a fear of flying, the Memoirs of A Geisha star relishes getting on a plane for a long trip.

4. Marshall is quick to point out that while he did extensive research into geisha culture, realism was not his chief concern.

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5. Mei Ting tried not to gloat when she was asked about what the cancellation of " Memoirs of a Geisha " had meant to her.

6. Chairman Charles Zhang spent more to add sites such as a blog written by " Memoirs of a Geisha " star Zhang Ziyi.

7. Zhang Ziyi was luckier than her predecessors for the starring role in Memoirs of a Geisha.

8. " Memoirs of a Geisha " is eagerly awaited in China, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons.

9. geisha是什么意思

9. They appeared together in " Memoirs of a Geisha, " playing rival Japanese escort geishas.

10. Gong's English has a strong accent, just as she did in " Memoirs of A Geisha " and flows well.

geisha 英英释义


1. geisha的反义词

1. a Japanese woman trained to entertain men with conversation and singing and dancing

    Synonym: geisha girl