
generosity [ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti]  [ˌdʒenəˈrɑ:səti] 



generosity 基本解释

名词慷慨,大方; 宽容或慷慨的行为; 丰富

generosity 相关例句



1. Thank you for your generosity.

2. Many people benefited from his countless generosities.

generosity 网络解释

1. 慷慨;豁达:看门人 gatekeeper | 慷慨;豁达 generosity | 考试 exam

2. (慷慨大方):generosity 慷慨;大方 | generous 慷慨的,大方的 | convinced 确信的,深信的

3. 宽:长long | 宽generosity | 厚tickness

generosity 词典解释

1. 慷慨;大方
    If you refer to someone's generosity, you mean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more than is usual or expected.

    e.g. There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.
    e.g. ...a man of great generosity of spirit.

generosity 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. It's time for us to reciprocate Saddam Hussein's generosity but cannot do much to help him.

2. generosity的解释

2. And after word spread of her generosity, a $ 500 check came in from an anonymous donor.

3. The findings add to past research that has shown a link between physical warmth and generosity as well as physical chill and social isolation.

4. generosity的近义词

4. The generosity of Chen and the miserliness of some Chinese billionaires have been used to criticize frivolous act of sportsmanship.

5. Her kindness and generosity touched local residents and the Red Cross Society in Qingdao initiated a mass campaign to find out her identity.

6. But Chavez's supporters defend the heating oil program an example of generosity by a president leading a socialist revolution for the poor.

7. Whether many back home believe they deserved that generosity is likely to be fiercely debated in the days and weeks to come.

8. generosity的反义词

8. People opened their hearts and pocketbook with unprecedented generosity, and would like to see the victims receive help without distraction.

9. generosity

9. But artists should not use these factors as an excuse and stop showing generosity for people who really need a helping hand.

10. Albania has amazing places to visit and visitors are welcomed with the characteristic generosity and kindness of the Albanian people.

generosity 英英释义


1. acting generously

    Synonym: unselfishness

2. the trait of being willing to give your money or time

    Synonym: generousness