



过去分词:got; gotten


gets 基本解释
得到( get的第三人称单数 );抓住;说服;受到;
gets 网络解释

1. 得到:市场营销学国际权威美国西北大学的教授菲利普.科特勒认为,价值就是消费者所得到(gets)与所付出(gives)之比. 价值=利益/房地产公认的有三大铁律: 地点(location),地点(location),地点(location)

2. 字符串输入(控制台):字符输入(控制台) getchar | 字符串输入(控制台) gets | 字符输出(控制台) putc

3. 函数:从标准输入中读入一行数据:3.20 getchar函数:从标准输入中读入一个字符 | 3.21 gets函数:从标准输入中读入一行数据 | 3.22 mktemp函数:产生临时文件的文件名

4. 从标准输入文件中读取字符串函数:10.21 getchar从标准输入文件中读取字符函数 239 | 10.22 gets从标准输入文件中读取字符串函数 240 | 10.23 perror打印系统错误信息函数 240

5. gets:general enquiry telephone service; 电话咨询服务

gets 单语例句

1. But the more times you're here, the easier it gets.

2. But what is a guy to do when he gets beaten by a woman?

3. gets

3. Business reporter Liu Qian says she often gets text messages asking her to buy or sell a particular stock at a designated time.

4. China gets more than 40 percent of its oil from abroad and most of that oil arrives by sea.

5. Analysts have estimated RIM could see a 25 percent growth in worldwide customers once it gets fully active in China.

6. No date for the hearing has yet been set, but the Serie A campaign gets underway on August 27.

7. gets在线翻译

7. Greenpeace Campaigner Prentice Koo said increases in environmental taxes would absorb looming healthcare costs as the city's population gets older.

8. If no candidate gets the required votes in at most two rounds of balloting, the parliament is dissolved and a snap parliamentary election is to be called.

9. China gets natural resources necessary for its development, while Chile imports manufactured and capital goods.

10. In Europe, statistics show the capital outflow is also on the rise as euro gets strong.