
ghoul [gu:l]  [ɡul] 


ghoul 基本解释

名词食尸鬼; 对凶残之事兴趣浓厚的人; 以他人的苦难为乐的人

ghoul 网络解释

1. 图形输出语言:GHOST 图形输出系统 | GHOUL 图形输出语言 | GHz 千兆赫

2. 盗尸者:ghosty 鬼的 | ghoul 盗尸者 | ghoulish 食尸鬼似的

3. 小:Shade 阴影 | Ghoul 小g | Abomination 胖子

ghoul 词典解释

1. 食尸鬼
    A ghoul is an imaginary evil spirit. Ghouls are said to steal bodies from graves and eat them.

2. 以他人的苦难为乐的人;对死亡(或死人)感兴趣的变态者
    If you describe someone as a ghoul, you mean that they show an unnatural interest in things such as human suffering, death, or dead bodies.

ghoul 单语例句

1. I soon scurried to the door like a damned ghoul as guests pointed and laughed in unison.

2. The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.

ghoul 英英释义


1. an evil spirit or ghost

2. someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection

    Synonym: graverobber body snatcher