
gigantism [dʒaɪˈgæntɪzəm]  [dʒaɪˈɡænˌtɪzəm] 

gigantism 基本解释


gigantism 网络解释


1. 巨人症:目..肢端肥大症和垂体性巨人症 巨人症(gigantism)和肢端肥大症(acromegaly)系腺脑垂体生长激素细胞腺瘤..下丘脑综合征 下丘脑综合征(hypothalamussyndrome)系由多种病因累及下丘脑所致的疾病,

2. 巨大症:giddiness 眩晕 | gigantism 巨大症 | gigantosoma 巨人症

3. 巨大化:giemsa's staining 吉姆萨氏染色 | gigantism 巨大化 | gigantocyte 巨红细胞

4. 巨大畸形症:gigahertz 十万万赫 | gigantism 巨大畸形症 | gigantoblast 巨大有核红细胞

gigantism 单语例句

1. Today, advances in medicine can prevent the gigantism that afflicted Jake Erlich.

2. Some of the animals far under the sea grow to unusually large sizes, a phenomenon called gigantism that scientists still do not fully understand.

3. gigantism的翻译

3. A newspaper in Chifeng city helped him visit a local hospital, where doctors reassured him that he wasn't suffering gigantism.

4. Japan's argument is that dealing with China's " gigantism " and restricting it needs a big system or system expansion.

5. gigantism什么意思

5. Yao's gigantism is caused by a benign tumor on the brain's pituitary gland that stimulates her body to secrete excessive amounts of growth hormone.

gigantism 英英释义


1. excessive largeness of stature

    Synonym: giantism

2. excessive size
    usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland

    Synonym: giantism overgrowth