give back

give back [ɡiv bæk]  [ɡɪv bæk] 

give back 基本解释

give back的反义词

后退; 归还,恢复; 交还; 退后

give back 情景对话

Receipts and Warranties-(收据和质量保证)

B:Can I help you, sir?

A:Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo?

B:Well, our store offers a 90-Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects.

A:What conditions are there on the store policy?

B:We’ll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt.

A:O.K. How do I get the manufacturer’s warranty?

B:Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt.

A:All right, those sound good. I’ll take it.

B:Very well, I can ring you up over here, sir.

give back 网络解释

1. 送还,恢复:give away泄露;分送 | give back送还,恢复 | give in交上;投降,屈服

2. 归还:look back on回顾 | give back归还 | keep back隐瞒;忍住

3. 归还;送回:give away 分发 | give back 归还,送回 | give in 屈服,让步

4. 归还;恢复;后退:give away 泄露(秘密等增送 | give back 归还;恢复;后退 | give birth 使诞生;生(孩子)

give back 词典解释

1. 归还;交还
    If you give something back, you return it to the person who gave it to you.

    e.g. I gave the textbook back to him...
    e.g. You gave me back the projector...

give back 单语例句

1. It is a pity that I cannot go back to China by then, but I will give my best wishes and all my genuine supports.

2. Pablo Calandria pulled one back for the hosts to give Boca an uncomfortable final few minutes.

3. The store did not want to give her money back but relented after she threatened to call the police.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Much has been written on educational reform to ease the burden of homework on kids and to give back to them a more carefree life.

5. give back在线翻译

5. He didn't even give the schoolbag back to the child to carry.

6. Along with this contentment has come an increasing desire to give back to others.

7. " I can't give an exact date for when he could go back to work, " he added.

8. Repenting on his deathbed, the thief asked his wife to give it back.

9. give back什么意思

9. Lewis said last month he wanted to give something back to his native southern New Jersey district by challenging for the position as a Democrat.

10. If Asda's union depot members back a strike, the GMB union would need to give at least seven days warning of industrial action.

give back 英英释义


1. pay back

    e.g. Please refund me my money

    Synonym: refund return repay