giving up

giving up

giving up 单语例句

1. These commitments - by the way economies are interconnected - entail giving up independence on some aspects of a country's macroeconomic policies.

2. There had been fierce domestic opposition to the prospect of giving up the canal which critics argued was a necessary part of the US'defences.

3. giving up

3. Dozens of people queued up at a Tesco cashpoint last week after discovering that it was giving out double the money requested.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Today's workload may be minimal, giving you a chance to catch up on your duties.

5. A CC licence does not mean giving up the copyright it entails offering some rights to any member of the public on certain conditions.

6. Liu apparently tricked Hu into giving up his cell phone and led him to a room crammed with dozens of men.

7. After giving birth to a child last year, her weight picked up to 75 kg.

8. I've seen many a man being chivalrous and giving up his seat for a lady, perhaps not much older.

9. And both make the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's intention of giving up its nuclear program clear.

10. India's electorate threw up a surprise by giving the Congress party a far clearer mandate than was expected even by its most optimistic sympathizer.