
glacial [ˈgleɪʃl]  [ˈɡleʃəl] 

glacial 基本解释

形容词<地>冰的,冰河[川]的; 冰河期的; 极冷的

glacial 相关例句


1. She gave me a glacial smile.

2. Two thirds of the continent was covered in ice during glacial periods.

glacial 网络解释


1. 冰川的:glacial till 冰碛物 | glacial 冰川的 | glacial-interglacial cycle 冰期-间冰期旋回

2. 冰河的:gismondite 多水高岭土 | glacial 冰河的 | glacial amphitheater 粒雪盆

3. 冰的:glacial period 冰川时期 | glacial 冰的 | glacialist 冰河学者

4. 冰的冰状的冰河的极冷的:givewayvessel 让路船义务船 | glacial 冰的 冰状的 冰河的 极冷的 | glacial 冰的冰状的冰河的极冷的

glacial 词典解释

1. 冰河的;冰川的;由冰川形成的
    Glacial means relating to or produced by glaciers or ice.

    e.g. ...a true glacial landscape with U-shaped valleys.
    e.g. ...rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period.

2. 冷淡的;冷若冰霜的
    If you say that a person, action, or atmosphere is glacial, you mean that they are very unfriendly or hostile.

    e.g. The Duchess's glare was glacial...
    e.g. Inside the jeep the atmosphere was glacial.

3. 冰川般运动的;极其缓慢的
    If you say that something moves or changes at a glacial pace, you are emphasizing that it moves or changes very slowly.

    e.g. Change occurs at a glacial pace.

4. (常指美女)冷若冰霜的,冰美人似的
    If you describe someone, usually a woman, as glacial, you mean they are very beautiful and elegant, but do not show their feelings.

    e.g. Her glacial beauty is magnetic.

glacial 单语例句

1. Future glacial melting could impact water supplies and constrain the ability of communities to sustain their hard won development achievements.

2. The research program is aimed at a continuous measurement of Antarctic glacial changes.

3. The glacial area has shrunk by 20 percent over the past century.

4. Until now it has been the best place for glacial observation in China, boasting one of the best preserved glacial records in the world.

5. He added that the glacial recession would affect farming irrigation and therefore people's livelihood in a vast area of north and central China.

6. glacial的近义词

6. I expect them to intensify efforts to resolve the key political issues that have so far slowed global negotiations to a glacial pace.

7. Following the outbreak of protests in mid March 2011, the government said it would proceed with reforms that were moving at glacial pace.

8. When the volume of water becomes too great for the moraine to support, the glacial lake bursts its banks.

9. Building a standing observation station was in response to the urgent need for constantly monitoring the speed of the glacial melt.

10. He was said to be on his way to the site with a research team to analyze the implications of the glacial development.

glacial 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. extremely cold

    e.g. an arctic climate
           a frigid day
           gelid waters of the North Atlantic
           glacial winds
           icy hands
           polar weather

    Synonym: arctic frigid gelid icy polar

2. glacial

2. devoid of warmth and cordiality
    expressive of unfriendliness or disdain

    e.g. a frigid greeting
           got a frosty reception
           a frozen look on their faces
           a glacial handshake
           icy stare
           wintry smile

    Synonym: frigid frosty frozen icy wintry

3. relating to or derived from a glacier

    e.g. glacial deposit