
glade [gleɪd]  [ɡled] 


glade 基本解释


glade 网络解释


1. 湿地:glacon 浮冰块 | glade 湿地 | glance 闪躲 擦亮 疾行

2. 林间空地:gladden 使喜悦 | glade 林间空地 | gladiate 剑状的

3. 林中空地:glaciation 冰河酌 | glade 林中空地 | gland 腺

4. 沼泽:glad 高兴的 | glade 沼泽 | gladness 欢乐

glade 词典解释

1. 林中空地
    A glade is a grassy space without trees in a wood or forest.

    e.g. ...a woodland glade.

glade 单语例句

1. Organisers of this year's Glade Festival have confirmed the appearance of naked ravers from Germany at this year's event.

glade 英英释义



1. a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area

    Synonym: clearing