
glider [ˈglaɪdə(r)]  [ˈɡlaɪdɚ]


glider 基本解释


名词滑翔机; 滑行者; 滑翔导弹; 摆动式沙发椅

glider 网络解释

1. 滑翔机:滑翔机(glider)是一种没有动力装置,重于空气的固定翼航空器. 它可以由飞机拖曳起飞,也可用绞盘车或汽车牵引起飞,更初级的还可从高处的斜坡上下滑到空中. 在无风情况下,滑翔机在下滑飞行中依靠自身重力的分量获得前进动力,这种损失高度的

2. 袋鼯:有關結趾(phalanger)中的飛袋貂(flying possum),參閱袋鼯(glider)條;有關美洲有袋動物中的possum,則參閱負鼠(opossum)條. ......|

3. 滑行(或物), 滑翔机:updated file 更新档 | glider 滑行(或物), 滑翔机 | dynamic similarity principle 动力学相似原理

4. 滑动者;滑翔导弹;可回收卫星:glide-path antenna 下滑信标天线 | glider 滑动者;滑翔导弹;可回收卫星 | gliding block 滑块

glider 词典解释

1. 滑翔机
    A glider is an aircraft without an engine, which flies by floating on air currents.

glider 单语例句

1. glider是什么意思

1. American adventurer Steve Fossett failed Saturday in his second bid in less than a day to break the glider altitude record in southern New Zealand.

2. New couples either dive into the water, fly the mini glider or row on lakes to exchange their vows.

3. glider的解释

3. Once the glider left a particular eddy the problems went away, he said.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The motor glider is the first manned aircraft to be powered exclusively with a hydrogen fuel system.


5. " We understand the glider went through a fireball after the impact, " Rodi said.

6. glider的翻译

6. Like a glider airplane, the sub doesn't have a motor to drive it.

7. The fighting briefly resumed Wednesday when an Israeli civilian in a hang glider drifted across the border and landed inside Lebanon.

8. The dangers of more powerful positive lightning were not understood until the destruction of a glider in 1999.

9. A woman who answered the phone at the glider company declined to comment.

glider 英英释义



1. aircraft supported only by the dynamic action of air against its surfaces

    Synonym: sailplane