
glint [glɪnt]  [ɡlɪnt] 








glint 基本解释


及物/不及物动词闪烁,闪光; 窥视; (箭一样)飞出; 使发光,使闪光

名词闪光,闪耀; 短暂微弱的显露; (雷达的)回波起伏

不及物动词闪烁; 闪闪发光; (光线)反射

glint 相关例句



1. The sun glinted through the leaves.

2. The gold was glinting in the sunlight.

glint 网络解释


1. 闪烁:与雷达目标散射截面(RCS)一样,目标角闪烁(Glint)也是雷达目标的一重固有属性.本文概述了雷达角闪烁的机理,叙述了雷达目标角闪烁的测量技术和用于角闪烁测量的设备,最后给出了雷达目标的象闪烁测量结果.

2. 闪烁;反射;回波起伏:glimmerite 云母岩 | glint 闪烁;反射;回波起伏 | glissade 下滑;侧滑

3. 闪耀:glimpse 一瞥 | glint 闪耀 | glisten 闪亮

4. 波形起伏:glimmer 闪光 | glint 波形起伏 | glist 云母闪耀

glint 词典解释

1. 闪闪发光;闪亮
    If something glints, it produces or reflects a quick flash of light.

    e.g. The sea glinted in the sun...
    e.g. Sunlight glinted on his spectacles.

2. glint

2. 闪光;闪烁
    A glint is a quick flash of light.

    e.g. ...a glint of silver.
    e.g. ...glints of sunlight.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. (眼睛)闪光,闪动,闪亮
    If someone's eyes glint, they shine and express a particular emotion.

    e.g. Her eyes glinted wildly...
    e.g. A mischievous spark glinted in his eyes.

4. glint的近义词

4. (眼神的)闪光,闪动,闪亮
    A glint in someone's eyes is a brightness that expresses a particular emotion.

    e.g. He came up to me with the glint of triumph in his eye.

glint 单语例句

1. She also always looks good and smiles for the cameras, often with a glint in her eye that Catherine does not have.

2. She chuckled at this last one but soon stopped when she saw the deathly serious glint in my eye.

3. There's a mad glint in his eye, or is it genius?

4. glint在线翻译

4. Wilkes said he recognized what he called " that little glint " in Wooden's pale blue eyes.

5. Men whipped themselves with chains, the metal catching the sun's glint.


6. That requires graders to have an open mind for unconventional ideas with a glint of genius.

7. glint的翻译

7. Structural blues are essentially built of soap membranes trapped at just the right orientation and thickness to forever glint blue.

glint 英英释义


1. glint是什么意思

1. a spatially localized brightness

2. a momentary flash of light

    Synonym: flicker spark


1. glint

1. be shiny, as if wet

    e.g. His eyes were glistening

    Synonym: glitter glisten gleam shine

2. throw a glance at
    take a brief look at

    e.g. She only glanced at the paper
           I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting

    Synonym: glance peek