
gloriette [glɔ:rɪ'et]  [ˌglɒrɪ'et] 

gloriette 基本解释
gloriette 网络解释


1. 亭子:gloria 荣耀颂歌 | gloriette 亭子 | glorification 赞颂

2. 凉亭:07. Heart Of The Sunrise 日出之心 | 08. Gloriette 凉亭 | 09. Piano In G Major G大调钢琴

3. 观景台:观景台:Gloriette | 城市公园:Stadtpark | 维也纳国家歌剧院:Staatsoper Wien

gloriette 单语例句

1. Weeping willows and the gloriette reflect in the clear water, making the area more charming.

2. This gloriette relies on the Sun Lake and has two storeys on the water.