gloss over

gloss over [glɔ:s ˈəuvə]  [ɡlɔs ˈovɚ] 

gloss over 基本解释

粉饰; 掩饰(错误); 把…搪塞过去

gloss over 网络解释

1. 给以光滑的表面;掩饰:gloss n.光泽,光滑;虚饰;注释 vt.加光泽于 | gloss over给以光滑的表面;掩饰 | glossaryn.词汇表;术语汇编

2. 掩盖:glory-of-the-snow 雪之华 | gloss over 掩盖 | gloss 光泽表面

3. 掩饰令人难堪的. . 事实:Appalling:令人震惊的 | Tories: 英国保守党派 | Gloss over:掩饰令人难堪的. . 事实

4. 掩盖,掩饰:gang up against 联合起来排挤 | gloss over 掩盖,掩饰 | have the advantage of 有... ...优点

gloss over 词典解释

1. 粉饰;掩盖;掩饰
    If you gloss over a problem, a mistake, or an embarrassing moment, you try and make it seem unimportant by ignoring it or by dealing with it very quickly.

    e.g. Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.

gloss over 单语例句

1. It was unclear whether the leaders had agreed on methods or merely wanted to gloss over for public consumption any differences on strategy.

2. Japan's neighbors also objected to the education ministry's approval of new school textbooks last April that they say gloss over Japanese wartime atrocities.

3. It has also influenced the portrayal of history in Japanese school textbooks, which critics claim often gloss over Japan's wartime atrocities.

4. Liu said yesterday that the textbooks gloss over Japan's brutal wartime past and could worsen relations with its Asian neighbours.

5. These volumes tend to gloss over or ignore Japan's imperialist past and wartime atrocities.

6. Several withdrawals could not gloss over another sublime year for " Super Dan ".

7. However, encouraging progress in the CBA can't gloss over embarrassing performances from the Chinese national team.

8. Many Japanese textbooks gloss over historical accounts of what happened in China during the Japanese invasion.

9. Schulz did not try to hide the details or gloss over the horror.

gloss over 英英释义


1. cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error

    e.g. Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin
           She tried to gloss over her mistakes

    Synonym: whitewash sleek over hush up

2. treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly

    Synonym: skate over smooth over slur over skimp over