glutamic acid

glutamic acid [ɡlu:ˈtæmik]  [ɡluˈtæmɪk] 

glutamic acid 基本解释

glutamic acid


glutamic acid 网络解释

glutamic acid什么意思

1. 谷氨酸:2.拟黑多翅蚁 含以脯氨酸(proline) 丙氨酸(alamine) 谷氨酸(glutamic acid)和丝氨酸(serine)为主的多种氨基酸;硒 锗等无机元素;维生素(vitamin)B1、B2、E、B12 粗蛋白 脂肪等.

2. 谷胺酸:胶原蛋白的交联反应通常发生在多胜月太链上天冬胺酸(aspartic acid)及谷胺酸(glutamic acid)上之羰基(carboxyl groups)或离胺酸(lysine)及羟基离胺酸(hydroxylysine)上之胺基,但很少发生在羟基上,例如丝胺酸(serine)、羟丁胺酸(threonine)及羟基脯胺酸.

3. 麸 胺 酸:炭疽杆菌的荚膜成分系高分子多生类,由D-麸胺酸(glutamic acid)所组成,具高度抗原性,对宿主之吞噬细胞具有抗性,故和致病能力有关. 炭疽之传染机转有三:(1)吞入芽胞污染之牧草或肉类,(2)吸入芽胞,(3)由破裂之皮肤侵入.

4. 麩氨酸:猴头菇营养丰富,是一种高菌物蛋白、低脂肪,富含人体必需的多种氨基酸,其中麩氨酸(Glutamic acid)含量特別高(0.6422 mg/g)、多糖(polysaccharides)、多肽(polypeptides)和脂肪族的酰胺物质及多种维生素的优良健康食品,

glutamic acid 单语例句

1. The company is also the largest MSG and glutamic acid manufacture as well as the third largest xanthan gum producer in the world.

2. MSG is the sodium salt of the amino acid glutamic acid - it dissolves to form free sodium and free glutamate.

glutamic acid 英英释义


1. an amino acid occurring in proteins
    important in the nitrogen metabolism of plants
    used in monosodium glutamate to enhance the flavor of meats

    Synonym: glutaminic acid